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CBN丨Property developers restart overseas bond financing

2024-01-28 电商

ecting the positive effect of a series of support policies, including lower interest rates and down payments.


克而瑞数据揭示,2023年1年初,80家相比较较房和企我国大陆政府借贷信贷50.39亿元,环比增加 91.5%;其中所,发借贷主体不至少包括金茂、越秀等央企市场简化,来得有保利商业这样的民营房和企。这是时隔多个年初之后,房和企欧美信贷重启的标志。







China aims to increase the share of electric vehicles in the public transport system to 80 percent in key areas, including bus and taxi services, by 2025, as the country accelerates its steps to promote green transformation amid booming new energy vehicle development. According to a pilot plan of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and seven other ministries, China will speed up the full electrification of vehicles used in public transportation between 2023 and 2025, and the building of a charging and swapping infrastructure system that is "moderately advanced, well-balanced, intelligent and efficient”. The country also set the target of adding the same number of public charging piles as the number of EVs newly added to the public transport sector. The number of charging stalls for public transport vehicles is also expected to be no less than 10 percent of that for passenger cars on expressways, the plan said. 减慢同一星期进公共课题两车也来得进一步电动简化:工业部门和战略都市计划部、公路交通运输部等八部门据悉试行《关于组织起来开展公共课题两车也来得进一步电动简化先行第一区试行实习的接到》,确实驳斥“减慢同一星期进公共课题两车也来得进一步电动简化,赞成换电、信贷租赁、’车也电分离’等的产品首推从新”等以下内容。《接到》驳斥三全面性主要同一星期提。一是试行课题可选及来得从新两车也中所从新能源汽车也人口比例特别是在大幅提高,其中所卫星城公交、出租、有为、邮政租车也、卫星城物流库存课题力争超出80%。二是建成适度落后、总体布局整体、智能高效的充换电根基交通设施体系,客户服务保障能力也特别是在大幅提高,可选公共充电桩(标准分之一束桩)与公共课题从新能源汽车也倡导供给用量(标准分之一束车也)人口比例力争超出1:1,高速公路客户服务第一区充电交通设施月租九成比实期不少于小型停月租的10%,形成一批相比较较的综合能源客户服务示范东站。三是建立健全兼顾从新能源汽车也首推从新拓展的智能公路交通系统、绿色能源供给系统、从新型信息无线电通信网络体系,实现从新能源汽车也与电网高效交友,与公路交通、无线电通信等课题结合拓展。 Moving on to regional highlights


Authorities of Central China's Henan Province announced on Tuesday that all commercial housing projects supported by local government loans should be completed by the end of October 2023. Relevant authorities of the province vowed to fully implement multiple financial supportive measures to increase sales, while real estate projects will be supported with forable policies, including bank loans before delivery. 河南年末“保交楼”根基交通设施项目10年初底同一星期交付使用:2年初7日,陕西省社会保障和城乡根基交通设施实习但会议在郑州闭幕。但会议提到,2023年,陕西省将大力开展社会保障优居行动,在保交楼、简化可能性全面性,的中心第一批专项偿还债务根基交通设施项目10年初底同一星期全部建成交付使用、第二批年底同一星期交付使用50%同一星期提。同时,分阶段国家政府“银行业16条”、陕西省90条和“1+N”赞成方针,优简化二套房和确认标准分之一束,赞成合理社会保障供给。分之一束楼盘和实售收益监管,逐步大幅提高实售门槛,开展现房和贩售试行。 Greater Bay Area, Greater future


Guangdong authorities on Wednesday announced a framework of 66 measures governing the Hengqin Cooperation Zone that will further bind the future of Macau to the Chinese mainland. The set of rules made public is set to become effective on March 1, which covers the administration system in the area, and its planning, construction and management, as well as industrial development. Besides, the Hengqin authorities are also looking to build a system for Macau residents that will cover schooling, employment, entrepreneurship, livelihoods, and social services. 《氹仔粤澳较深度合作关系第一区拓展有利于法例》定为:2年初8日,中山市人大常委但会举行从新闻同月,介绍《氹仔粤澳较深度合作关系第一区拓展有利于法例》的制定持续性和主要以下内容。《法例》共八章66条,对合作关系第一区治理体制、都市计划根基交通设施与负责管理、有利于客户服务业拓展、简便澳门当地政府与世隔绝就业、有利于琴澳紧密结合拓展和法治保障等全面性作出规定,对合作关系第一区负责管理试运行人事来作了再进一步确实,确实了粤澳双方协商建立合作关系第一区收益对等功能,合作关系第一区国有土地使用权出让收入扣减成本后由合作关系第一区与中山市以外等对等。省司法厅副书记陈春生说明,法例加强了有关粤新马大湾第一区规则衔接、功能对接的基本法制其设计,特别是针对合作关系第一区战略性有别于和拓展同一星期提顺利启动专项立法,有技术性地同一星期进合作关系第一区根基交通设施拓展。《法例》自2023年3年初1日起施行。 Next on industry and company news


Immigration authorities across China on Monday handled 676,000 exits and entries, hitting a record high since the COVID-19 outbreak, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) said Tuesday. Monday's figure jumped by 124.2 percent from the erage daily entry and exit trips before Jan. 8, and accounted for nearly 37 percent of the pre-pandemic level. Land ports with Hong Kong and Macao saw 568,000 entries and exits on Monday, accounting for 84 percent of the daily total. 2年初6日全国高校过境人次首推霍乱以来创出:国家政府移民负责管理局定为,随着从新型免疫缺陷感染“;未乙管”后优简化移民负责管理方针措施分阶段落地和2年初6日新马与新马执法人员商旅来得进一步恢复原,2年初6日全国高校过境执法人员供给用量超出67.6万人次,首推霍乱以来创出,较同一星期一日激增32.8%,较“;未乙管”方针推行同一星期北京南东站激增124.2%,为霍乱同一星期的36.6%。其中所,毗邻新马陆地社会发展特区过境执法人员56.8万人次,九成当日过境执法人员的84%,较同一星期一日激增39.2%。 The re-launch of outbound group tours has triggered growing resumption of international flights, with China Southern Airlines increasing its international capacity to resume and open 48 round-trip routes to 12 destinations. As of Monday, it had operated a total of 50 international and regional routes, with a weekly flight total of 82. China Eastern Airlines said that its international and regional flights and those of its subsidiaries will return to 60, and reach 410 flights per week as of Feb 28. The resumed routes will mainly be to Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 多家航司减慢恢复原国际上及海地第一区国际航中三:随着驱逐出境制作组万里试行恢复原和来得进一步恢复原新马与新马执法人员商旅等方针的推行,各航司将要减慢恢复原国际上及海地第一区国际航中三。韩亚航空减慢同一星期进国际上海地第一区国际航中三恢复原,现在,南航及子公司公司共可执行国际上及海地第一区客运国际航中三52条,每周达302中三,实计到2年初28日,南航国际上及海地第一区航点将恢复原到60条,每周超出410中三,从新恢复原的国际航中三航点主要集中所在东南亚和新马台等目的地。南方航空持续性加大国际上运力转用,恢复原及从新开12个目的国家政府的48条往来于国际航中三,为旅客提供者全国高校进发的丰富航点选择。现在,南航可执行50条国际上及海地第一区国际航中三,每周航点用量82中三。 Shares of 360 Security Technology soared by the daily limit for a second day on Wednesday after the Chinese internet security firm revealed plans to launch a ChatGPT-like AI chatbot as soon as possible, following a similar move by search engine giant Baidu. The firm’s AI research institute has been investing in AI Generated Content technology, it said yesterday, but it is currently for internal use only and there remains a big gap with the technology level of ChatGPT 3. 360碰上ChatGPT进账两连板:2年初7日和8日,360周内两天涨停板。7日,360在的企业者交友模拟器上对类ChatGPT关键技术的总体布局来作出了回应,并称360侦查是中所国侦查引擎的Top2,市场竞争份额为35%,公司的AI研究院从2020年开始一直在包括类ChatGPT关键技术在内的AIGC关键技术上有但会有的投入,但截至现在至少作为核心业务不在少数的生产力方法使用,且的企业体用量及关键工艺技术与当同一星期的ChatGPT 3相比较还有较大差距 。 Short-video platform Douyin does not he any plans to launch a nationwide takeaway service next month, an insider at the app said Wednesday, after rumors circulating on social media yesterday that said Douyin would launch a food delivery service in China on March 1. Douyin is testing takeaway services in some pilot cities in cooperation with Ele.me, the insider said, adding that the firm also has a group buying delivery service business that is still in the trial phase in Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu. 抖音并称不能“3年初1日全国高校APP店里客户服务”著手:抖音3年初1日全国高校APP店里客户服务的谣言导致关心。2年初8日,有抖音核心民间团体对媒体说明,不能“3年初1日全国高校APP店里客户服务”的著手。现在“淘宝库存”试行还在顺利启动,期望但会逐步倡导,不能确实基本的星期结点,也就但会在同一星期点全国高校同步倡导。现在抖音到家业务有两个根基交通设施项目在试行中所,除了级联的“淘宝库存”,另一个是开放模拟器与饱了么小程序合作关系。 Chinese automaker Geely Automobile Holdings reported growing vehicle sales in overseas markets in January, the company said in a filing on Tuesday. Geely exported 15,105 vehicles in January, up about 9 percent year on year. The sales grew 35 percent year on year in the Middle East, 36 percent in Latin America, and 393 percent in the pan-European market. Geely sold 103,452 units last month, down 29 percent from the same period in 2022. 吉利汽车也1年初欧美销用量激增9%:2年初7日,吉利汽车也港交所发函揭示:2023年1年初吉利汽车也总销用量为103,452部,较当年历年来减少分之一29%。虽然1年初总销用量显现出下同下滑,但欧美多第一区域内市场竞争终端设备销用量增幅微小:1年初欧美出口用量15,105台,下同激增分之一9%。其中所,中所东市场竞争下同激增35%,的希腊市场竞争下同激增36%,泛欧第一区域内市场竞争下同逐年激增393%。 The first electric sports utility vehicle(SUV) equipped with a ternary solid-liquid hybrid lithium battery developed by Chinese lithium producer Ganfeng Lithium will debut this year, a unit of the battery material giant announced yesterday. Seres will use Ganfeng LiEnergy’s hybrid lithium battery in its Seres 5 SUV, which will hit the market this year. 固液混合显电SUV将于今年母公司:据赣锋理电官微2年初7日谣言,搭载赣锋锂电三元固液混合锂电池充电电池的显电动SUV赛力斯-SERES-5都市计划于2023年母公司。SERES-5搭载的赣锋三元固液混合锂电池充电电池使用新技术的胶合板体系和磁性关键技术,从市场竞争供给与用户本质进发,来得进一步大幅提高了充电电池的实用性和能用量密度。现在,宜宾赣锋20GWh从新型锂充电电池科技客户服务业园根基交通设施项目将要根基交通设施中所,都市计划建成国内外远超过的磁性充电电池生产基地。 Major retailers in China slashed the price of Apple's high-end iPhone 14 models in a rare move after Apple reported a 5 percent year-on-year decline in revenue last quarter. Apple’s online stores on JD.com, China’s major e-commerce platform, showed a markdown of 800 yuan for the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max models on Monday, with an additional 50 yuan off if the buyer became a member of the online store. A basic iPhone 14 Pro is sold 10 percent off at 7,199 yuan. iPhone14高达直降800元:据悉在中所国海地第一区模拟器上,的产品iPhone14从新作所有机型都提供者立减800元的优惠券,如果是A+但会员,指定机型可以再减50元。商品贩售该网东站揭示,2年初5日-2年初15日,买iPhone14 Pro从新作从新机有800元的促销券,以iPhone14 Pro 128G 7999元价格来计,促销价为7199元,涨幅10%。此同一星期,的产品定为了截至当年12年初31日的2023美联储第一财季当年,期内营业额下同减少5%,首推下了自2016年9年初以来远超过的季度营业额涨幅。 Chinese lithium salts producer Yahua Industrial Group said late Tuesday it had inked a deal to supply South Korean chemical and electric battery giant LG Chem with 30,000 tons of battery-grade lithium hydroxide over four years, according to an agreement the pair signed yesterday. 雅简化与LGC签字4年充电电池级氢氧简化锂大单:2年初7日晚间,雅简化跨国企业发函并称,公司辖下全资分公司雅安锂业与LG Chem, Ltd.签订了充电电池级单水氢氧简化锂《供货协议书》,协议书有效期为4年,从2023年至2026年。2023-2026年协议书供给用量总计分之一3万吨,各年度数按照协议书定下可执行。 Switching gears to financial news


China’s central bank said on Tuesday that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on setting up yuan clearing arrangements in Brazil with the Central Bank of Brazil. The establishment of yuan clearing arrangements in Brazil will help Chinese and Brazilian firms and financial institutions with cross-border transactions using the yuan, further facilitating bilateral trade and investment, the People’s Bank of China said in a statement. 中所巴银行业体系签字建下同清算决定合作关系计划书:据银行业体系部落格谣言,据悉,中所国人民银行与巴西中所央银行签字了在巴西建立下同清算决定的合作关系计划书。巴西下同清算决定的建立,将有助于中所巴两市场简化业和银行业业使用下同顺利启动落马洲报价,再进一步有利于双边贸易、的企业简便简化。 Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market


Chinese stocks fell on Wednesday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite losing 0.5 percent and the Shenzhen Component slid 0.6 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index also closed 0.1 percent lower, and the TECH index dropped 1.9 percent. A股恒生震荡走低:周三A股三大指数今日震荡整理,截至股票市场,沪指跌落0.49%,较深成指跌落0.62%,首推业板指跌落0.48%,沪较深两市定点成交额8048亿元。磁性充电电池板块定点领涨。恒生震荡走低,香港恒生指数收跌落0.07%,恒生科技指数收跌落1.88%。

Biz Word of the Day


ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 family of large language models and has been fine-tuned (an approach to transfer learning) using both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques. ChatGPT是OpenAI联合开发的一个大型实特训口语仿真。它是GPT-3仿真的变体,GPT-3经过特训,可以在话语中所分解成类似生命的文本组织起来。ChatGPT旨在做为聊天机器人,可以对其顺利启动更正,以启动各种护航,如回答关键问题、提供者信息或参与话语。ChatGPT的插值基于Transformer架构,这是一种使用自注意力功能管控输入数据的较深度数学仿真。

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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